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Looking back at 2022 ⭐

As we reach the end of the year, I want to thank everyone who supported me in making 2022 one of the most beautiful and fulfilling year of my life.

There were countless highlights despite the challenges of covid who had a chilling effect; this year, 2022, brought many achievements and adventures.

From my participation in Beijing 2022 winter Olympics to the working trips in Dubai and Cairo while pursuing a dual career. From the beautiful trip to Peru to the fantastic news that Konstantinos and I are expecting our baby. And from changing jobs when I joined the International Olympic Committee to be the first Greek athlete to have my sports equipment permanently exposed at the Olympic museum in Lausanne, SUI.

A very special highlight was, of course, the participation in the Winter Olympic Games Beijing 2022. Marching first as flag bearer for Greece during the opening ceremony of the Games was a moment that I will cherish forever. Racing four times at the Zhangjiakou Olympic Venue, every competition holds a special feeling in my heart. You can read more about my impressions of these Games here.

Coming back from the Olympics and picking up my professional duties at the FIE with my colleagues and a great group of people, we organised the Junior Fencing World Championships in Dubai in April. On the other hand, the senior fencing world championships took place in Cairo later in July. I had the chance to meet and work with new people, explore their cultures and learn more about these counties and their histories.

Earlier in April, Konstantinos and I traveled to Peru to meet our beloved friends Yiannis and Tamara who temporarily reside in Lima. Out of this trip, we were terrific by the Peruvian cuisine, landscapes, hospitality and of course admired the magical vibes when visiting the Incan citadel of Macchu Picchu and the sacred valley in the Andes Mountains (one of the New Seven Wonders of the World).

Fact: Peru is one of the world’s 17 megadiverse countries as it’s the home to 84 of the world’s 103 ecosystems and 28 of the 32 climates on the planet.

The most precious gem highlight and gift of 2022 is when we discovered that we will become parents earlier in the summer. Becoming a mother for the first time is a feeling that cannot be described with any other in the human life, the past months, a new life is growing inside me, and we cannot wait to meet him at the beginning of 2023.

Beginning of June, I had the honour to donate the skis that I competed in in the individual sprint event in Beijing 2022 to the Olympic Museum of Lausanne.

Since November, as the only exhibit from the Greek team #TeamHellas, my equipment has been on display in the permanent exhibition at the Olympic Museum of the IOC, adding to a rich heritage assembled during 120 years of Olympism among precious exhibits of Olympic gold medalists and outstanding athletes from around the world. I hope my story as a #DualCareer athlete will inspire the new generation and visitors to the Olympic Museum to follow their dreams and continue to spread the values of Olympism in every aspect of their life.

In October, I took a new step forward in my profession career when I joined the Athletes’ Department at the International Olympic Committee - IOC with the Athlete & Olympian Communication Manager role. I cannot feel more grateful for being part of a fantastic team that delivers exciting programmes designed to support the athletes on and off the field of play.

I look forward to many highlights next year and most importantly the arrival of our new family member 👶.

Thank you all who shared mutual moments with me in 2022 and i take this opportunity to wish you a happy and healthy 2023

All the best,

Maria Ntanou


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